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purveyors OF 

Dependable hardworking tools that deliver results.

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Quality Tools

We are passionate about power tools because they are great way to unleash your creativity and bring your DIY projects to life. Power tools are versatile, efficient, and can help you achieve a level of precision and accuracy that is difficult to achieve with traditional hand tools.

Whether you're a woodworker, a metalworker, Pro or a DIY enthusiast, power tools  allow you to complete projects quickly, saving you time effort and lots of frustration. Its with this in mind that we believe everybody should own at least on power tool. But why own just any power tool, rather have a tool that could outlast and become sentimental. I can remember inheriting a drill, all be it a banged up and well used corded Bosch drill from my late grandfather. He used it through out his life for the odd home project. Well it still works and I still use to this day. So why not invest in a tool that will last... maybe even outlast you?

History of flex

Originating from its German engineering and manufacturing heritage, the FLEX brand dates back over 90 years. FLEX builds professional tools for professional craftsmen. FLEX invented and manufactured the very first angle grinder in 1954. FLEX joined CHERVON in 2013 and continues to serve its demanding customers.

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What people are saying

Your feedback is our compass on this journey, and we'd love to hear your thoughts. Please take a moment to share your experience and help us continue to improve our online store.

Martin O'Toole
//  Director, Corporate Store
"Sed tristique neque ut velit dapibus, vel ornare magna pellentesque. Aliquam eratetiam quis commodo ex. Donec in tellus ligula. Aenean venenatis ex at iaculis hendrerit. Morbi id erat orci aliquam erat volutpat."
Kari Mehl
//  President, Corporate Store
"Phasellus mattis tristique porta. Nulla suscipit urna sed libero rhoncus vulputate. Vivamus quis quam eget risus malesuada faucibus interdum id sem. Nam venenatis vehicula cursus donec fermentum."
Justin Hall
//  Vice President, Corporate Store
"Nullam in nulla at dui laoreet pulvinar. Praesent orci purus, egestas at eros et, hendrerit maximus ante. Vivamus ullamcorper neque augue, at aliquet nisi venenatis id. Etiam tincidunt nibh sed sapien ullamcorper mattis."
Robert Keynoton
//  Executive Director
"Vestibulum vel scelerisque urna. Phasellus metus erat, laoreet eget metus vel, lobortis interdum mi. Proin ultricies metus ac magna ultricies porta. Sed at est eget ex interdum interdum. Aenean aliquet massa in vehicula sagittis. Praesent scelerisque suscipit tristique. Etiam sem arcu, vehicula et semper id, faucibus in justo."
Natalie Richter
//  Specialist, Corporate Store
"Lobortis, dui nec auctor vehicula, diam lorem interdum diam, eleifend sodales turpis odio in eros. Nam interdum non orci quis lacinia. Sed eget elementum purus. Donec quis ullamcorper ante."
Lindsay Strotman
//  Co-President, Corporate Store
"Aliquam tincidunt quam sit amet augue pulvinar ullamcorper. Cras in tincidunt mi, vel euismod est. Etiam fringilla purus commodo est dignissim, at facilisis elit lobortis. Vestibulum lobortis justo eu facilisis scelerisque. Integer nulla lacus, elementum quis lectus ac."

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